In late 2015, I began considering the possibility of running for Pennsylvania State Representative. I decided to definitely go ahead with this in March of 2016. I was greatly helped in this effort by the Northampton Libertarian Party and others from the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania. I faced the incumbent Republican Marcia Hahn in the November 8, 2016 General Election, and ended with 9.96% of the votes cast. See the election results here! (See page 2, mid way down the page)
See my candidacy listed on the first document issued by the PA Department of State. See page 2, mid way down.
See my candidate evaluation from the League of Women Voters here! (See page 8, 138th District at the bottom left corner)
See my response to the Northampton Press on why I was the best candidate for the office here!
See my responses to below. (Note: There website does not allow me to post an enduring link, thus the copy/paste format)
- Answers below are shown exactly as entered by the candidate.
Congress should repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
Strongly Agree
Election of judges by the people for a definite term of office is the best way to select judges.
Strongly Agree
More restrictive gun control laws are needed to protect public safety.
Strongly Disagree
Government should enforce laws designed to protect the border and to prevent illegal entry into the country.
No Answer
People should be able to vote without photo identification.
Religious liberty is at risk in the United States.
Strongly Agree
Human life begins at conception and deserves legal protection at every stage until natural death.
Strongly Agree
Free enterprise and the right to private property turn mankind’s natural self-interest into the most productive economic system there is.
Strongly Agree
There should be a strict constitutional spending limit for state and local governments that would tie the rate of spending to the rate of population growth plus the rate of inflation.
Marijuana should be legalized and regulated like tobacco and alcohol.
Judeo-Christian values established a framework of morality which permitted our system of limited government.
Strongly Agree
The founders established pure democracy in the Constitution because they believed that it is the best form of government to ensure the safety and equitable treatment of all citizens.
Strongly Disagree
Free-market competition for education dollars, rather than a government monopoly, would create a better education for all students.
Strongly Agree
Where minor children are involved, divorce laws should be reformed to include mutual consent of both parents and an increased waiting period, unless there is fault or abuse.
Strongly Disagree
The Ten Commandments should not be displayed in public school buildings.
Business owners should be required by law to bake cakes, provide flower arrangements, etc., for same-sex weddings, even when these activities would infringe on their sincerely-held religious beliefs.
Strongly Disagree
Our state should participate in the nationwide Common Core standards for high-school graduation.
Strongly Disagree
Physician-assisted suicide should be legal.
The more people live by Judeo-Christian values, the less government is needed.
Strongly Agree
Islamic law (Sharia) does not pose a threat to the United States and its Constitution.
Governments should define marriage as between one man and one woman; no other definition of marriage should be legalized or supported with public funds.
Strongly Disagree
It is the government’s responsibility to be sure everyone has health care and a livable income.
Strongly Disagree
Planned Parenthood should not receive funds from federal, state, or local governments.
Strongly Agree
What in the nature of mankind caused America’s Founders to carefully define, separate, and limit powers in the Constitution?
Man desires to benefit himself as much as possible, even at the cost of harming others. He desires to rule others, to subjugate them to serve at his will. Naturally, this impulse leads to despotism unless checked by division of powers among varying levels of government, competing to serve the people, and elected by them.
Based on the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, please arrange the following entities, starting with the highest source of authority, and continue the list in descending order of authority, skipping any that do not apply: Academia, Congress, Constitution, God, Industry, Media, Professional Sports, Supreme Court, Voters.
Constitution Voters Congress-State Governments (Equal Standing, Differing Roles) Supreme Court (Can give rulings on disputes between states, not to be the final arbiter of the Constitution or make decisions for the entire nation)
Under what circumstances should abortion be allowed?
Science tells us that life begins earlier the more this is studied. Logic tells us that neither time nor the mother’s choice can make a fetus human. Therefore, I conclude that life begins at conception. As a libertarian, I believe that we own our bodies, and that the state must protect life, liberty, and property. Therefore, I find no situation where a baby is not human, and being such, I find no case where abortion can be permitted by the state. That being said, I strongly favor prenatal adoption where adoptive parents pay delivery costs for the expectant mother. Also, we all must reach out with helping hands to women who find themselves pregnant and unable to provide for their child.
Briefly describe your spiritual beliefs and values.
I am an evangelical Christian who believes that Christians need to be active in society seeking to voluntarily persuade their fellow man to follow Christ, not seeking to use the state to impose their social views on peaceful people. I also believe that religious groups must be free to express their views publicly.
Considering all issues (social, economic, national security, etc.), which of these best describes you?
No Answer
Please defend your answer to the previous question by referencing your publicly available track record.
I am a Libertarian, which means that I believe that individuals, or groups of individuals, including the state, have no right to initiate force or fraud against anyone else. Being free to live your life, your own way, as long as you do not infringe on the rights of others to do the same is the essence of liberty. The role of government is to protect life, liberty, and property. Anything beyond this is most likely a violation of the rights of someone. I am fiscally conservative, because I believe that taxes are the property of the citizens and must be used very carefully and wisely. I believe that government limited to the core functions mentioned above is best at protecting our liberties and living within its means.
Additional comment from candidate: